Our Class Schedule

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10:00am - 10:30am

Youth class

Jeff Denz

11:00am - 12:00pm

Kids class

Jeff Denz

12:30pm - 1:30pm

Adult Class

Jeff Denz

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Striking Class

Jeff Denz

What People Says

Success Stories

Erik Herbert

Jeff Denz is an unsung hero in local and state martial arts. Jeff began fighting over 20 years ago in bare knuckle boxing and in un sanctioned fights that date back to Buffalos Memorial Auditorium. To call Jeff a pioneer of what is now modern day MMA would be an understatement. Jeff has had many pro fights and fought many professional MMA and Kickboxing world champions. He’s competed at many weight classes ( 146,155,170) and has never turned down a fight. He is a BJJ black belt with over 20 years of combat sports knowledge to pass on to others. The most important thing about having Jeff as a coach and corner is not just his impressive resume. He brings a dedication to his athletes that is un matched by most coaches. Jeff is the kind of guy who would drive 8 hours to coach a fighter, leave after the fight, and drive 8 hours back just to be to work on time the next morning. I’m retired from competition but if I ever did fight again I wouldn’t step foot in the cage with out Jeff in my corner.

Dakota Roberts

Coach Caveman has been my coach and friend for four years. He has always been there for me and has made me a better person than i ever thought I would be. Without him I would be weak physically and emotionally and completely unconfident with myself as I was before i started training with him. Training with Coach Caveman will build your character,integrity,and strength as well teach you how to protect yourself and others.

Amanda Dustin

Coach Caveman has been my twins coach for 1.5yrs. When we first met with Jeff we appreciated his straight forward, honest teaching approach. We find value in his teaching style and like how he can also be silly, this earns him love and respect from the kids . I'm always amazed by the amount of patience he has for his students, even when the class is full. We took notice when he adapted his directions to help the younger kids stay better focused on the learning line. You can tell he cares about the whole child, teaching skills that help them succeed outside the gym as well as the tools they need to excel with their goals.

Our Classes

Everyone of our classes will be run by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt and professional fighter Jeff Denz. Professor Jeff has over 25 years coaching experience and brings enthusiasm and positivity to every class.

as low as

Kids game program

Start an introduction to martial arts and a life-long healthy lifestyle. I have been teaching martial arts to children for 25 years and the secret is simply let the kids have fun on the mat and learn. The kids will learn they were meant to, by play. We will play a series of martial arts games. While they are playing they will be building skills that prepare them for the next stage of martial arts. Ages 4-6 (with some flexibility in the ages)

as low as

Kids bully proofing program

Respect, self-control, and healthy lifestyles will be taught like a typical Karate program, but Kids will be taught real world martial arts skills that will work in real-life conditions. The confidence, self-awareness and healthy lifestyle they will develop will last a life-time and help them succeed in academics and life. On top of the benefits the children receive in class we will focus on what to do in situations in life and school with aggressive kids, that verbally and physically threaten them.

as low as

Adult martial arts

Martial Arts are not just for kids! The focus of the class will be self-defense, self-improvement and self-confidence. Whether you want to make sure that you can protect yourself and your family, find a fun way to get into shape, or you want to be a fighter this class is for you. The program will offer high level instruction in striking and grappling arts. Integrity’s philosophy is to keep everything simple while still being effective. If you haven’t trained before no worries, it is a safe non-judgmental school. Not in shape? Not a problem the best way to get into shape is to find a fun activity and do it.

as low as

Couples training

The couple that trains together stays together” There is a lot of truth to this statement. Whether you are on your first date or have been married for 35 years there is no better date then training together. Train with other couples or bring a group. You will train with your partner for the whole session and will work up a sweat learning some striking (punching kicking) and Jiu Jitsu (making your partner tap out). Classes will be run with good humor and at whatever pace you want to participate at. Come make each other better and have a good time. A safe, fun date that you can feel good after!

as low as

Caveman cardio class

Throughout my entire career I have been known to have amazing conditioning. Come learn and do the same routine that I use to get into shape for my fights. All the workouts are scalable to your fitness level. If you can jump and get up and down off the floor you are in good enough shape for the class. Workouts will include high intensity, short burst training, body weight exercises as well partner training. There is no workout like a Caveman workout.

as low as

Private Lessons

One on one sessions. You decide on what you want to focus on (fitness, grappling, striking, etc.) and you get a lesson made for your personal strengths and weakness. One of the best ways to develop skill quickly.


Kids Game class
$10 drop on rate
4 class pass for $35
90 days for $85 paid in full

Adult and kid class
$15 drop in Rate
4 classes $50
90 days for $120

Couples class by appointment
$40 a couple
$160 for a group of up to 10

$65 1 hr
$35 1/2 hour (recommended for kids under 12)